All kinds of professionals from virtually every industry use Maven to get smarter and make better decisions. Select a category below to learn more about how Maven can help you.
Consumer Goods & Services
Evaluate new high performance materials to regain market share in the athletic footwear market
Determine how to incorporate a new continuous monitoring technology into hospital beds
Industrial Products & Services
Determine the applicability of a new battery technology to underwater autonomous vehicles
Conduct a Virtual Ideation Panel of chief learning officers to explore how best to position a new continuing education product
Evaluate learnings from a third-party study of the semiconductor industry landscape and assess its applicability to fabless company’s market positioning
Understand how other industries such as Healthcare, Automotive, etc. are creating advanced textiles with improved performance characteristics
Business Development
Survey sourcing and procurement professionals across several industries regarding their impressions of a supply chain software offering
Train new hires on the company’s key business products, business practices, and organizational structure
Venture Capital & Private Equity
Assess the potential impact of an accounting standards change on a portfolio company’s balance sheet
Knowledge Management
Reduce external consulting expenses by utilizing the knowledge they already have available to them
Information Technology
Connect with peers who have deployed a specific security appliance to learn more about its field performance
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