Maven for Healthcare Companies | Maven Research

Maven for Healthcare Companies

Gain Real-World Insights

There is a huge difference between the laboratory and the clinic. You believe in your products, but how do you know if they really meet the needs of patients and caregivers? Use Maven to connect with clinicians who can help you find out. Whether they focus on medical devices, drugs, equipment, or supplies, we help healthcare companies around the world to engage with the real-world insights they need to stay ahead. We have the world’s largest pool of on-demand clinical expertise ready to help you innovate.

Discover Cross Industry Innovations

Brilliant ideas often come from the places you least expect. Discover best practices, learn how to penetrate new markets, embrace new technologies, and innovate outside the box by connecting with cross-industry expertise.

Remain Compliant

From HIPAA to the Sunshine Act, from FCPA to debarment, you work in the world’s most regulated industry. With new rules every day, how do you ensure your organization is doing the right things while still being able to innovate? Rely on our platform and knowledge of the regulatory environment to engage outside expertise in the most secure and compliant way possible. With customizable controls and comprehensive real-time reporting, you can consult with confidence.

Keep Learning

Your education and experience define you, but while your experience keeps growing it’s hard to find time to continue your education. Maven’s university connections run deep – we have relationships with tens of thousands of professors and researchers in academia who can teach you what they know and help you fill in the gaps in your knowledge.

Healthcare companies are currently using Maven to…

  • Learn how other industries have successfully made their products more accessible to consumers in emerging markets
  • Discover licensing and M&A opportunities with small biotech firms
  • Find out where to build a new consumer healthcare R&D facility in Asia
  • Survey physicians regarding their opinions of market potential for new drugs
  • Explore prescription trends and competitive dynamics for intranasal antihistamines
  • Landscape the market for smartphone applications for diagnostic devices
  • Understand the global impact of Ebola and how technology can be applied to help manage the disease now and in the future
  • Improve the flavor and “chewability” of nicotine gum
  • Understand the causes, symptoms, and impacts of stress on people
  • Find partners in the US and China who have laboratory equipment that can perform laser capture micro-dissection at a specific capacity and throughput
  • Assess the market size for next generation gene sequencing in Asia
  • Determine how to incorporate a new continuous monitoring technology into hospital beds
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Training, support, and consulting

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External Network

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Consultation tools

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Survey Tools
(internal only restrictions)

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Community Management

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Volume Discount

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.